Feb 12, 2015

Sew in Tune - Here Comes the Sun

Yay! I am sharing my look for Sew in Tune today! Sew in tune is a really fun sewing series hosted by Melly Sews and Boy, oh boy, oh boy, crafts this week they are been sewing up looks inspired by songs and inviting other bloggers to sew up some looks as well.

I was so excited when they invited me to join in the series, but I had no idea how hard it would be to choose a song! I brainstormed for months on this and had come up with a bunch of ideas, but nothing I was really excited about.

Then I decided that if I was looking for inspiration, maybe I should look to the band that inspired much of today’s music as well as an entire generation of free loving hippies… The Beatles!

I know a lot of you up north are still buried in the snow, but here we have had 70 degree weather and sunshine. Despite Punxsutawney Phil's prediction of 6 more weeks of winter it seems we are pushing right into spring. So it seemed appropriate to choose the song “Here comes the sun” to inspire my Sew in Tune look, a song about the sun coming out after a long hard winter (and trust me, those four weeks of winter we just had were brutal!)

I drew some inspiration from the bohemian, hippie style of the 60’s and 70’s which I think fits with the feel of the song and made this sun dress for Em. I used the Emory dress pattern by izzy and ivy, the bodice is cotton and for the skirt I used a cotton gauze. Then I added some texture with a little pom pom trim on the sleeves and an old crochet doily cut up and added to the bodice.

I made the whole dress in white, but the song is about the sun so the dress had to be yellow. So in keeping with the hippie style, I pulled out the rit dye! This part was so scary...I loved the dress in white and I had no idea what it would look like after it was dyed. I held my breath and threw the dress in a sink full of lemon yellow dye. When I pulled it out it was YELLLLOW, I am talking neon yellow...you couldn't even look directly at it yellow. After a little panic and a few rinses in hot water, I had a much milder shade of yellow that I love.

Then I made a quick flower crown with some silk flowers to complete her spring boho look.

My daughter really embraced this flower child role, she has so much fun dancing and spinning in this dress. The light weight gauze on the skirt makes a great flowing skirt, perfect for twirling. And it doesn't wrinkle so I love it for my two year old!

Make sure you swing by Melly Sews and Boy, oh boy, oh boy, crafts to see the other great Sew in Tune looks that they have been sharing!


  1. Soo beautiful. I have wanted an all yellow dress since i was a girl. This one is like from my dreams...

    1. Thanks Annika! I have always loved yellow but I don't sew with it much, pretty yellow fabric is hard to come by!

  2. this is beautiful!! Love the yellow, I can imagine it was a bit scary dying it! But it turned out so great!!

    1. Thanks! When I pulled the neon yellow dress out of the dye I thought I would have to start over! Thank goodness it rinsed out :D

  3. Wow! This is just gorgeous! You've totally captured the essence of the song and since we're stuck smack dab in the middle of our winter here, it's such a breath of fresh air to see something so pretty. Reminds me that the sun really is right around the corner. Thank you so much for joining us for Sew In Tune!

    1. Thanks Stacey! And thank you so much to you and Melissa for inviting me! This was really fun :)

  4. You did an amazing job! I love everything about this. So much.
    The Beatles AND a sweet dress to boot.

  5. What a doll!!! Such a sweet dress, and it is so evident she LOVES it!!

  6. So beautiful Crystal! I love the addition of the doily.

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